Global Assisted Reproductive Therapy (ART) Market

May 2020| VMR2308A| Verified Market Research

Report Highlights

Assisted Reproductive Technology Market Size And Forecast

Assisted Reproductive Technology Market was valued at USD 12,195.4 Million in 2018 and is projected to reach USD 19,667.1 Million by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 6.27% from 2019 to 2026.

Factors such as the acceleration in the rate of infertility related cases are affecting the market. Globally, there has been a notable increase in infertility due to several reasons, one of the main ones being changing lifestyles. Lifestyle plays a considerable role in determining the body’s physiology, these factors can range from problems such as the adverse effect caused due to the consumption of alcohol and drugs to the modern work culture which more often than not requires a minimal amount of physical activity, and increased stress. Reduced fertility rates are also seen to be caused due to the increase in the expenses of raising a child in the modern economy. Infertility in women can also be an age-related issue

Global Assisted Reproductive Technology Market Segment Analysis

The Global Assisted Reproductive Technology market can be segmented into type, procedure, end-user, and geography.

Assisted Reproductive Technology Market Competitive Landscape:

Some of the major players involved in the Global Assisted Reproductive Technology Market include Genea Limited, Vivaneo Deutschland GMBH, Care Fertility Group, California Cryobank, Fujifilm Irvine Scientific, Bloom IVF Centre, Ovascience, Inc., Boston IVF, Monash IVF Group, Apollo Fertility. These companies will be profiled on the basis of their financials, their geographic and business segment breakdown, as well as product benchmarking. The competitive landscape section includes key development strategies and market ranking analysis of the above-mentioned players globally.

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