U.S. IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) Market

Jan 2020| VMF095A| Verified Market Research

Report Highlights

U.S. IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) Market Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Opportunities and Forecast

According to Verified Market Research, the U.S. IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) Market was valued at USD 1,802.2 Million in 2018 and is projected to reach USD 2,903.7 Million by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 7.05% from 2019 to 2026.


The implementation of IT services includes data security, financial benefits and e-waste recycling. In terms of data security ITAD is especially important as industries such as healthcare and finance require a large amount of data security. Companies are seeking data secure and environmentally complaint programs in order to manage potential risks that are associated with the unaccountable disposal of equipment. In various industries, strict protocols must be followed to ensure that sensitive consumer and company data is inaccessible or destroyed completely.

Destruction of data can involve not only the wiping of hard drives but also specific programs such as magnetic destruction and/or shredding. ITAD can provide financial benefits as the equipment that is being offloaded by the company might not necessarily have reached the end of its useful life. Some equipment may be re-sold or donated as well. This allows companies to recoup some losses. A well-defined systematic ITAD program allows for the protection of data, controlling of assets, maximization of value recovery as well as meets regulatory and corporate risk management requirements. ITAD programs are evolving and maturing through the progression of society and its relationship with technology. Regulations that require companies to protect personally identifiable information continue to become more restrictive.

The “United States IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) Market” is mainly split into three segments, i.e. on the basis of service, asset type, organization, and end use. These segments give an overview about the market and offers a qualitative and quantitative market study of the product/service. A few of the major players for this market include BS Industries, Arrow Electronics, Inc., Sims Recycling Ltd.

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Verified Market Research
Price: $3950

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