Survey of Use of Instagram in Higher Education Marketing

Jan 2016| PRG118A| Primary Research Group

Report Highlights

The study presents data from 39 colleges about their use of Instagram. The study examines policies and plans for both paid Instagram advertising and the use of Instagram sites for college marketing. The study helps its readers to answer questions such as: how do college marketers view Instagram? How much staff time and money do they put into their Instagram efforts and how do they evaluate these efforts? How much are colleges spending on paid Instagram advertising and what do they think of the results of these efforts? What is the expected rate of change of Instagram paid advertising over the next year? How do they apportion their time and money among Instagram and other social media options? What are the most admired college Instagram sites? How are photos chosen for the college Instagram site? Who is involved in the decision making? How does the college coordinate the college main Instagram site with Instagram sites of other units of the college?

Primary Research Group publishes research reports, surveys, and benchmarking studies for businesses, colleges, libraries, law firms, hospitals, museums, and other institutions. Based on substantial primary and secondary research, our benchmarking studies allow institutions to compare their budgets, managerial decisions, technology purchases, and strategic visions to those of their peers.

Primary Research Group
Price: $2500

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